Saturday, March 15, 2014

Fish and Chips

Well, we spent our last night in Paris having a pint of Strongbow at the Great Canadian Bar down by the Louvre.  What?  We needed to get out of the house and enjoy the evening a little - without spending an arm and a leg at some French restaurant.  And it's not that we're cheap.  It's just that earlier in the day we spent 180-Euro on train tickets to London and another 400-Euro on plane tickets to Dublin.  We went with Ryan Air, the discount Irish airline that claims to offer the best price on flights.  Sure, until they start to nickle and dime you with the extra baggage fees, service fees, etc.  We feel slightly taken advantage of on this leg of the trip.

At the Great Canadian Bar in Paris
And then we arrive in England where everything is ridiculously expensive and you don't feel like eating anything or going anywhere for fear of getting monetarily...abused.  After catching the eight o'clock a.m. train to London, the city train to Gatwick, and a twenty-dollar, five-minute cab ride to our hotel we decided to simply crash.  We passed out immediately in our over-heated little airport hotel room and slept for four hours.

We then walked to Gatwick's quaint town centre and found a little cafe that served huge meals for five pounds.  Score!  Two giant coffees, a fish and chips and double burger later we were ready to retire for the evening to do a bit more planning.  You see, after almost being denied entry into England because we hadn't any proof of our flight plans to Ireland (we have no printer to print the tickets), we decided to spend some time at the hotel business centre and print  up any important documents.

The biggest coffees we've had yet!
Fish and chips? Yes please.

Downtown Gatwick.
So that's where we are at.  Tomorrow morning we arrive in Dublin - just in time for St. Patrick's day!!!!

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