Jim and I have slightly different concepts of what needs to be packed for such a long stint away from home. He is of the mindset that if something is needed, you can always buy it there. I, on the other hand, am cheap and practical and would rather just buy it here it Bianca Amor's Liquidation Centre where I know it will only cost a few dollars. As such, our luggage looks completely different.
For starters, my bag was packed a month ago. I know, I know - it sounds crazy. But it's been a while since I traveled for any considerable length of time (the longest time away being 6.5 weeks) and my travel gear/clothes/personal products all need some serious updating - especially having only ever traveled with a backpack. By packing prematurely (very prematurely) I can determine what I already have and what I need to buy. And by knowing what I need early on I can watch for specials and sales on those items! You get it now, right?
So yes, my bag is bigger than Jim's (which happens to qualify as carry on luggage - smart guy) and contains more unnecessary items. But I have the room so why not fill it with shampoo and conditioner, snacks, and an extra few pairs of underwear. Jim is used to traveling for much longer periods of time - the longest being 5 months - so naturally he is better at packing efficiently. He's okay with only wearing one or two shirts for 3 months. I however, am not.
As the next week creeps up on us, I will continue to unpack, downsize, and repack until I am completely assured that I have enough matching wardrobe pieces to satisfy my once-in-a-blue-moon desire to look good while still maintaining a reasonable luggage weight. And Jim, well, Jim will be sitting back relaxing while trying to smother his 'I told you so' grin.
What's the one thing you can't live without when traveling?
I'm with Jim on this one. Pack the night before into a carry on, and just buy whatever you need. Kids has changed that a bit, and destination too I suppose. Harder to shop for things in Zimbabwe than Spain.